Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Guess what???
I have a secret! Jamberry Nails is making changes! And the newest one is HUGE! Our business is going to soar!!! BUT...I can't tell you!!!
UNLESS you join my team! If you are looking for a ground floor opportunity with a company that is going places, please, lets talk!
I have never been more excited about any business opportunity or company as I am now!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Retiring Jamberry Nail Designs

Time for a new catalog!!
The following designs will only be available until 2/28/13
See something you like? www.reneer.jamberrynails.net 
Get em while you can! Once they are gone thier gone!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

CUTE Idea!!

Denim Circle Tree
  • Plywood rectangle
  • Sand paper
  • White spray paint
  • Recycled denim
  • Patterned fabric
  • Scissors
  • White craft glue or Elmer's Glue All
  • Paintbrush

  1. Lightly sand the plywood, removing any rough edges. Spray the plywood with white spray paint and allow to dry. Add a second coat and let dry. Light sand if it feel rough to the touch.

    Denim Circle Tree
  2. Cut denim and fabrics into different sized circles.

    Denim Circle Tree
  3. Arrange circles on the plywood, layering different sizes of contrasting colors and patterns. Use some with three layers, others with two, and some just with one.

    Denim Circle Tree
  4. Cut a tree trunk from a piece of denim.

    Denim Circle Tree
  5. Cut the trunk into strips.

    Denim Circle Tree
  6. Lay the strips of trunk on the plywood.

    Denim Circle Tree
  7. Once you have everything arranged the way that you want it, use a paintbrush to lightly apply a coat of glue to the back of the denim. Be careful not to get glue on the front as it can discolor the denim, making it darker. Gently press and smooth the pieces in place.

    Denim Circle Tree
Read more at http://www.favecrafts.com/Wall-Decor/Denim-Circle-Tree/ml/1#k5e5TZWKTLb8sbER.99
Please take a few minutes and visit my friend Angelin'as websites!!!
Anything you need? She can help you out!



Saturday, January 5, 2013

Spirit Lockets is a new affilaite company you can Join for free....check them out!
If you need a special gift..this is the place to go!

Getting back to the blog!! I have been a way for a while, but looking to share again..life's been a  little rough, but it;s a new year and new beginnings!!! Watch for lots of new stuff!!

I made some wire wrapped earring for Christmas presents, had never done it before.....see pictures and my attempts, they were very well received!!

Pretty good for a beginner?????
Hope you like!